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a new way to live

Hebrews Series - Sermons

Hebrews 1, Jesus is Better - Sermon (11-Feb-24)

Hebrews 1, Jesus is Better - Sermon

Length: 32:25

Reference: Hebrews 1 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 1 emphasizes the superiority of Jesus over angels, declaring Him as the Son of God, the heir of all things, and the exact representation of God's being. It underlines that Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and sustains all things by His powerful word. The chapter reinforces the message that Jesus, having purified sins, now sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Hebrews 2, Do not Drift - Sermon (18-Feb-24)

Hebrews 2, Do not Drift - Sermon

Length: 36:41

Reference: Hebrews 2 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 2 warns against neglecting the great salvation offered through Christ, urging believers to pay more careful attention to what they have heard, so they do not drift away. The chapter highlights Jesus' role in humanity's redemption, His shared suffering with us, and His ability to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 3-4:13 - Sermon (25-Feb-24)

Hebrews 3-4:13 - Sermon

Length: 27:00

Reference: Hebrews 3-4:13 (ESV Bible)

These chapters emphasize the importance of faith and obedience, using the example of Israel's unbelief and disobedience in the wilderness to warn believers. They stress the promise of entering God's rest and the significance of listening to God's voice today. The passage closes with the powerful message about the living and active nature of God's word, which discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:11-5:10 - Sermon (3-Mar-24)

Hebrews 4:11-5:10 - Sermon

Length: 31:04

Reference: Hebrews 4:11-5:10 (ESV Bible)

This passage urges believers to strive to enter God's rest and emphasizes the power and sharpness of God's word, which penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit. It also introduces Jesus as the great high priest who has been tested in every way, yet without sin, and who sympathizes with our weaknesses. Believers are encouraged to approach God's throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 5:11-6:12 - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong (10-Mar-24)

Hebrews 5:11-6:12 - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong

Length: 33:32

Reference: Hebrews 5:11-6:12 (ESV Bible)

These verses address the need for spiritual maturity, warning against the dangers of falling away and emphasizing the importance of moving beyond elementary teachings about Christ. The author encourages believers to press on to maturity, providing assurance of God's promises and highlighting the significance of faith and patience in inheriting the promises.

Hebrews 6:11-7:28 - Sermon (17-Mar-24)

Hebrews 6:11-7:28 - Sermon

Length: 36:39

Reference: Hebrews 6:11-7:28 (ESV Bible)

This passage discusses the certainty of God's promise, encouraging believers to hold on to hope. It also introduces Melchizedek, comparing his priesthood to that of Jesus, and presents Jesus as a priest in the order of Melchizedek, emphasizing His eternal and perfect priesthood.

Hebrews 6:11-7:28 - Sermon (17-Mar-24)

Hebrews 6:11-7:28 - Sermon

Length: 36:39

Reference: Hebrews 6:11-7:28 (ESV Bible)

This passage discusses the certainty of God's promise, encouraging believers to hold on to hope. It also introduces Melchizedek, comparing his priesthood to that of Jesus, and presents Jesus as a priest in the order of Melchizedek, emphasizing His eternal and perfect priesthood.

Hebrews 8 - Sermon (7-Apr-24)

Hebrews 8 - Sermon

Length: 33:37

Reference: Hebrews 8 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 8 highlights the new covenant, contrasting it with the old covenant and emphasizing the superior ministry of Jesus as the high priest of this new covenant. This chapter underscores the significance of the heavenly sanctuary where Jesus serves and the promises of the new covenant that ensure a more excellent ministry.

Hebrews 9 - Sermon (14-Apr-24)

Hebrews 9 - Sermon

Length: 31:21

Reference: Hebrews 9 (ESV Bible)

This chapter delves into the significance of the earthly and heavenly sanctuaries, explaining the limitations of the old covenant's rituals and sacrifices. It emphasizes the efficacy of Christ's sacrifice, which cleanses the conscience and grants eternal redemption, contrasting it with the repeated sacrifices of the old covenant.

Hebrews 10, A New & Living Way - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong (28-Apr-24)

Hebrews 10, A New & Living Way - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong

Length: 16:40

Reference: Hebrews 10 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 10 underscores the sufficiency of Christ's once-for-all sacrifice, contrasting it with the repeated sacrifices under the old covenant. It encourages believers to draw near to God with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith, and to hold unswervingly to the hope they profess. The chapter also warns against deliberate sin and the need for perseverance.

Hebrews 11, Faith, Part 1 - Sermon (5-May-24)

Hebrews 11, Faith, Part 1 - Sermon

Length: 34:27

Reference: Hebrews 11 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 11, often called the "Faith Chapter," highlights the exemplary faith of Old Testament figures. This chapter defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. It recounts the faith-driven actions of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others, emphasizing that faith is essential for pleasing God and obtaining His promises.

Hebrews 11, Faith, Part 2 - Sermon (19-May-24)

Hebrews 11, Faith, Part 2 - Sermon

Length: 34:44

Reference: Hebrews 11 (ESV Bible)

The second part of Hebrews 11 continues to recount the remarkable acts of faith by figures like Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Rahab. It highlights the trials and triumphs of faith, demonstrating that faith often involves trusting God in the face of adversity and receiving His promises through perseverance.

Hebrews 12:1-29 - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong (26-May-24)

Hebrews 12:1-29 - Sermon by Lai Sin Wong

Length: 43:14

Reference: Hebrews 12:1-29 (ESV Bible)

This chapter encourages believers to run with endurance the race set before them, fixing their eyes on Jesus. It discusses the discipline of the Lord, comparing it to a father's discipline of his children. The chapter also warns against refusing God who speaks and highlights the unshakeable kingdom that believers are receiving.

Hebrews 13:1-6 - Sermon (2-Jun-24)

Hebrews 13:1-6 - Sermon

Length: 43:14

Reference: Hebrews 13:1-6 (ESV Bible)

Hebrews 13:1-6 offers practical instructions for Christian living, emphasizing love for one another, hospitality to strangers, and compassion for those in prison. It advises on the sanctity of marriage and contentment with what one has, reminding believers that God will never leave nor