a new way to live

Thanks to al those who have already said YES, but we still need more volunteers. Just because someone is doing a job does not mean that the role is "filled" or that they don;t need a break. Help us by prayerfully considering how you could say YES to one of the areas listed below. Someone will get back to you. Thanks
Please select area(s) of Children’s ministry you with to help with (on a roster basis) as a helper or a leader. A bigger team makes it easier on all.
Feel free to elaborate further.
Please select area(s) of a technical nature that you wish to help with (on a roster basis). You can make multiple selections. Training will be provided!
Feel free to add comments or questions below.
Please select area(s) of the Music ministry you wish to help with (on a roster basis). You cal make multiple selections. We do hold “Team Builder” evenings a few times a year, during which we get to know you, try new songs and have a bit of fun.
What instruments do you play, if any? ... or add further comments or questions.
Select other areas in which you might like to volunteer, or for which you would like more information.
Feel free to add any additional comments or questions you might like to raise.