Chelsea, Victoria  -  Call us on: 0481 608 777

a new way to live

Post Service Production Tasks

What things need to be done once a service is over and has been live streamed?

Technically, nothing needs to be done after a LIVE stream has ended, however there are some things we are doing to make our YouTube recordings more attractive, tidy and standardised, and to help God's message reach more people.

Note that all the following activities will need a YouTube account, most via YouTube Studio, either using Freeway's account, or your own, with assigned authority.

This topic does not cover HOW to do these things, but just WHAT needs to be done, to maintain some sort of uniformitry and standardisation.

ASAP Activities

Although our video is viewable on our channel, it can often have a basic title and a random thumbnail. These can be edited soon after the service has ended.

Following the pattern of other live recordings, in YouTube Studio

  • Change the Title to reflect the Message, Bible verse and date
  • Change the Thumbnail to some image of the person preaching the message.
    As an interim, until you can capture an image, you could change it to the one shown here and found under %onedrive%\Freeway Shared Folders\Webcasting\Images
  • SAVE the Video

From Monday morning onwards

YouTube starts processing our Live Stream video as soon as we close the stream after the sunday service, but it can take until late on Sunday night for it to be available for

  • Downloading, which we do to keep an archivbe of our service
  • Further editing, without having to create a secongd version of the file


  1. In YouTube Studio, Edit the video to trim more than one cycle of the announcements from the front of the video. 
    Do the same egarding the announbcements at the end. (refer to YouTube Help regarding this).
  2. Use the Preview feature to check the result and adjust or SAVE it.
  3. After a while, Download the video for archive purposes and further processing.
    It may take an hour or so before the download button becomes available.

Further Optional Actvities

  • Extract the sermon from the loive recording for separate upload as part of a sermon series.
  • Publishing the audio of the sermon via our Podbean Podcasting service.