Frequently Asked Questions [expand all][collapse all] This section is only relevant and available to, those who are Freeway ChurchTrac Connect Administrators. You will be prompted for a password for the FAQs in this category. Are there tutorials available for ChurchTrac and Church Connect? (Admin use only) Can I personalize email messages? (Admin use only) Can I make data or tag changes for multiple people at the same time? (Admin use only) How can I use the Check-In feature ? (Admin use only) How do I set-up registration for an Event? (Admin use only) How do I check the number of Registrations for an event? (Admin use only) How do I add people manually to an event? (Admin use only) How do I delete people from an event? (Admin use only) How can I add Links within text in Church Connect? (Admin use only) What is the difference between a Smart List and a Custom Report? (Admin Use Only) Can I show event attendees or absentees filtered in People screen? (Admin Use Only) What happens when someone unsubscribes from emails or SMS Text messages? (Admin use only) Is there a log of SMS text Messages to and from ChurchTrac? (Admin use only) How do I send an SMS/Text message from ChurchTrac? (Admin use only) How to print a roll sheet for each of the children's programs (Admin use only) How to print a worship attendance roll sheet (Admin use only) How to assign an Event to a specific calendar. (Admin use only) I have just added a new Person, can I add them as attending last Sunday? (Admin use only) Why are some people missing when I try to record worship attendance? (Admin use only) How do we charge the tablet devices (Admin use only) How to check-in people on the tablet device (Admin use only) How do I create a Custom Report" (Admin use only) How do I turn off ChurchTrac Tips? (Admin use only) How to print off, or extract a church directory for Freeway leaders. (Admin use only) What is best tags, or user Defined Fields? (Admin use only) Can Age Categories by automatically assigned in ChurchTrac? (Admin use only) How to upload files to Church Connect so that they can be viewed. ChurchTrac Custom Reports have moved, but where? (Admin Only) What regular checks or tasks are needed to ensure ChurchTrac data integrity (Admin Only) How do I search for someone when recording attendance in LIVE MODE? (Admin use only)
Random FAQs Is the DMX Control program configured for the USB interface to the lights? How do I search for someone when recording attendance in LIVE MODE? (Admin use only) How do I set-up registration for an Event? (Admin use only) Access via Platform Lift How do I link to OneDrive folders or files? Why is my photo on church connect? Can I change or remove it? View all FAQs