Frequently Asked Questions [expand all][collapse all] Questions about the Church Connect Feature we are now using for Newsletters and keeping in touch. What is Church Connect? Why do I need to Register for Church Connect? How do I Register for Church Connect? Can I access church Connect if I don’t have an email address? Is there a Church Connect App for my phone? Why is my photo on church connect? Can I change or remove it? How do I change the name of a family member. Can I change my personal details? Why is Freeway Sending me SMS/Text messages? How do I resubscribe or OPT-IN to Freeway's SMS Text Messages? Can I submit my family details to keep in touch as part of the Freeway community?
Random FAQs How to upload files to Church Connect so that they can be viewed. Can I take sheet music home to practice? How do I set-up registration for an Event? (Admin use only) Does Freeway have a Privacy Policy? How can I add Links within text in Church Connect? (Admin use only) Why should I use a password manager? View all FAQs