Frequently Asked Questions [expand all][collapse all] A few hints and tips as to how to use OneDrive at Freeway OneDrive Quick Overview OneDrive Detailed Overview Are OneDrive files in the cloud or on my computer? I Received an Invitation to a Shared OneDrive Folder? What do I do? How do I link to OneDrive folders or files? Why can't I see updated files in my OneDrive folder(s)? Why is OneDrive stuck looking for changes or updating?
Random FAQs What are our values? Can I make data or tag changes for multiple people at the same time? (Admin use only) Where can I find the roster for the worship team? Why is OneDrive stuck looking for changes or updating? Can I Cast or Airplay my mobile or computer screen to the projectors? How to print a roll sheet for each of the children's programs (Admin use only) View all FAQs